

Page history last edited by Chris Reynolds 4 years, 9 months ago


The Events of May 1968 


30th May


10th -12th June  



The effect fifty years later...

To this day, and throughout the past fifty years, demonstrations and strikes have remained a popular means of declaring an opinion or a disagreement for the French people. One example of this being in January 2005, when trade unions organised a number of strikes where people demonstrated against labour, pension and welfare reforms that had been proposed. This highlights that, due to the success of May 1968 and the changes that were made, for the French people this is an effective way of making a statement and creating change.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjgSSSZuVbk - chronology of Mai 68 events 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZlKOKnYvNc - The events of Mai 68 easily explained - cartoon images




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